Save your time and let’s you create stunning facial rigs
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Do you know what is an hybrid rig? In the following video I explained the importance of the hybrid rig and what are the common issues that you can encounters. This tool provides a solution and automation for make secondary controls follows the geometry vertex of the mesh modified from the blendshapes. In this way you can be able to create rig that have blendshape deformations and at the same time animation curve controls that enable to tweak expressions. The result improve drastically the control that an animator can have with face expressions.   

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AS_SFC – Secondary Face Controls is available on Cgtrader and Gumroad , click the followings buttons to get more info.

Online Documentation

Installation (WIN/MAC)

Unzip the archive and …Just drag ‘n drop the file  install.mel  into Maya’s viewport and a new shelf button will appear on active shelf.


By compiling the following form you’ll receive 2 files example where you can see the differences before and after the scripts runs . In the examples I used a simple rig  with a skinned mesh combined with some basic blendshaes expressions. From these samples you can see a right naming convention and hierarchy setting up and using it as references for your rig.

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    Naming conventions
    An important things is to have a clean naming conventions of all objects , not only for have a fast snapshot of the hierarchy, but also to not have troubles when we using scripts and tools such as SFC.

    So for example if I have an animation’s curve controls I can name it like :

    ‘ac_head_ctrl ‘

    This tool works with solid naming conventions.

    Example of right naming convention of a hierarchy for a secondary controls:


    Wrong naming convention:

    Why I need to follow all the selection's steps?

    There isn’t any constraint about the order or your selections.

    The important things is that you select the following nodes/objects:

    1. the animation curve node to get the prefix or subfix of your controller
    2. the joint you want to parent with . (example: if you need to create secondary controls for face expressions you need to select the Head Joint)
    3. the mesh (with skinning and blendshapes) that will be the geometry that the seconday controls must to constraint to.
    4. select all the joints of the secondary controls you created and then launch the button ‘create’

    I tried to install using the drag 'n drop but it seems not working

    Important This tool works only from Maya 2018 and above.

     If you encounter any issues please keep ‘n touch: contact me!

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    Adriano Sanna - 2023 All rights reserved.